
Media Group

Design for Distance. Pivotal For Purpose.

Brand Messaging/ Development

The Voice of a Brand is its Heart Beat

Branding is more than pretty colors and logos. It tells your story, shapes your business’ personality, and distinguishes you from the rest. We help you find your brand voice so you can speak loud and clear.


Design a World that's Inviting, Promotes, and Attracts

It’s truly a small world when your website is functional, engaging, and WORKS! People from across the globe have access at their fingertips. A good website is an easy website to navigate. 

E-Learning Courses

Interactive Learning that Engages

E-learning courses come in all shapes and sizes. With a variety of CMS systems for hosting.  E-learning courses are multi functional expanding your reach Let’s start your class today!

Schedule Your 15 Minute Consultation​

Our Purpose

About Us

Kaipple is an independently owned, multidisciplinary creative studio dedicated to your Visual, Systematic, and Creative success through the clarity of messaging and design. Established since 2017 in North Carolina, Kaipple has stayed committed to “the why” behind our clients goals. We are a team full of curiosity, strategy, creativity, and hope. We tailor our skill sets to find innovative solutions that benefit the consumers you serve. This requires an investment in your dream, research into your clients, and lots and lots of snacks.

Our why factor centers on creating for those with purpose in purpose. We strive to equip change-makers with a voice, space, and support to fulfill true vision – We are for you. Our aim is to provide clarity to the vision, language to the goal, and agency for the mission. 

Core Values


We see your today and work towards your tomorrow. Our solutions are building blocks, not bandaids. We create to open future doors.


Did you say you want to launch a business that reaches the stars? We believe you and aim to measure the distance for accuracy. Pack your bags it's on. Your goal is our goal.


We never back down from a challenge because we believe in and for the people we partner with. Our courage lies in our fortitude and perseverance.

Internships at Kaipple​

Kaipple is growing! We are looking for interns in the areas of web development, videographers, graphic designers, and more. If you are interested please send in your resume and work samples.


kaipple is dedicated to quality, design, and solutions.

We are currently looking for web, graphic, and brand designers.